Coming Soon!
As part of our innovative, data-driven wellness strategy, Members can take advantage of FREE InBody testing, right on the gym floor.

What is the InBody Test?

InBody Test, a non-invasive, quick, and accurate body composition analysis that provides a detailed breakdown of your weight in terms of muscle, fat, and water.


What are the benefits of the InBody?

Measuring your body composition will tell you your own body’s unique makeup and help you identify areas to work on to improve your overall health and wellness.

You will know whether you need to gain more lean mass or lower body fat percentage to achieve a healthy body composition and a better level of health.


to get Started, Download the InBODY App

How to use the InBody

1 | Wipe Down Hands & Feet
Take off your shoes and socks. Wipe down your hands and feet with an InBody Tissue to increase your conductivity.

2 | Step Onto The InBody
Align your feet with the foot electrodes—your weight will be automatically measured.

3 | Enter Your Info
Once the InBody confirms your weight, enter your ID, height, and age.

4 | Grab The Handles
Place your thumbs on the oval electrodes.

5 | Get Into Position
Keep your arms straight and hold the handles away from your body at a 45-degree angle. Keep still and maintain the testing posture until the test is completed.